Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Hello eveyone!
I apologize for the serious lack of updates...I have to admit that life has gotten to be crazy~busy for me since I returned to work at the end of September. Juggling work & home is enough in itself...never mind trying to keep up with Blog's and e-mails! Sheesh.
I am still working 3 full days a week and enjoying it, for the most helps so very much to have such a wonderful babysitter, let me tell you. Lindsay has become as much a part of our lives as any other family member. Zaiden & Talia simply adore her. She helped make the transition very smooth and we are blessed to have her and her family in our lives. : )

I must also mention that Cecilia was a HUGE help in those early weeks, but seeing as she had just started a new postion at Costco, herself; we encouraged her to enjoy her days off instead of being bogged down by two crazy babies!!! All her effort is greatly appreciated. She is truly the little sister I never had.

Zal also started a new job recently...but definitely NOT by choice. The company he worked a long & hard 8 years for was bought out by the competition and the staff was dropped with only a day's notice and 2 weeks pay. How's that for remaining loyal to your company??? After many heated phone calls and an intervention by the Labour Board, the boys were finally awarded the severance package they deserved and are now with a company called Goodall. The thing I like best is that he has been "home" a lot more than he was with the previous company...there is not nearly as much travel (knock on wood!), thus far, anyways.

The kids are all just wonderful...Kalen & Devan are doing great in school & sports, as per usual, and Zaiden & Talia are learning, changing and growing more & more everyday into the little individuals that they are destined to be! They are both such little characters already...and very bright, I might add, but then again, I tend to be a little biased. ; )
Don't get me wrong; some days are truly chaotic & stressful around here...what with teething, cold & flu season, late night terrors and bumps & bruises (and the bawling that ensues) how could there not be crappy days? Not every day can be shits & giggles, right?

Actually...come to think of it, we have more than our fair share of shits AND giggles...haha!

Believe it or not, we have a fairly decent routine going, seeing as Kalen & Devan are such great help with the little ones and Zal's been in town more than out of town. Now, if only we could hire a would be fantastic!!!

All is good here at our complaints. Everyone is healthy & happy. We hope the same is true for you. We send you our love.

PS: I did try to catch up on adding some only as far as far!
I know that some of you check weekly; if not daily, to see new pics of the kids and I cannot tell you how happy that makes my heart!
I vow to keep up the quality...but will, perhaps, cut back on the quantity. It's just so hard to complete a task at the computer when Zaiden would rather watch The Muppet's "MahnaMahna" video, like, 23 times in a row!!! Yes, honestly, in a row. No breaks. Continuous. I'll be lucky if I'm still considered to be sane at age 40, at this rate!

Yeah right? Me? Not share my shutterbug fetish? We'll see...I love to share my pictures as much as I love taking them. Thanks for letting me share them with you.

Until next time, then...X's & O's...

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