Friday, February 29, 2008

So here we are on a beautiful (well, as good as it's gonna get for a little while, anyways) Friday afternoon. A regular day off for me. YAHOO!!!
I HAD intended to get out & about with Devan and the little ones today, but obviously, as I sit and write this now... we didn't manage it, once again.
Devan had a "STAFF RETREAT DAY" (like they need yet another day off after having all of last week off, due to FEBRUARY MID-WINTER BREAK) but is actually stuck at home because he has been sick with a fever averaging 102. Without a regular dose of Tylenol he is feverish & achey...his headache, on the other hand, seems to stay pretty consistent, regardless.
Talia has been battling with it as well. You can hardly tell, though...she's as happy & content as ever, except when she's tired and even then, she's just sucky, not overly cranky. She is such a good little girl. I was hoping that she would continue to dodge all the germs in the house but I guess it was not meant to be.
Zaiden is finally feeling his old self and eating normally again...thank gawd!!! He had strep throat which transformed itself into a cold for the past 2 weeks and was downright unBEARable, to say the least. All that remains now is a nasty bumrash that was brought on by the antibiotics. I was considering let him "run free" AKA "go commando" this afternoon but reconsidered as he thinks it is hilarious to pee on anything and everything he can. He's such a little boy, what can I say? To add to his troubles, he also cut his 1st year molars and almost every tooth between them and his front teeth in the last couple of weeks...he has had, hands down, the WORST time with teething out of all the kids. So far. Talia hasn't cut any yet but I am hoping it's easier on her than it has been on Zoodle...poor little guy. : (
I best not fail to mention that on top of everything (and everyone!) else, my nose is running like a faucet again today. Lesley will be ever so happy to hear that I have resorted to twisting up a Kleenex and shoving it up my left nostril to try to stop the flow!
Perhaps I need one of those "nose bidets" that Oprah was going on about a few weeks back. I think it's something I will put on this year's Xmas wish list...I would put money on either my Mom, Joanne or Michelle fulfilling that wish...and I know that anyone of them would gladly do it; with me being the guinea pig, of course! I forget what they are "technically" called...Google it...I'm not crazy, there is such a thing. Wow. I'm writing about nasal irragation. This is what my beautiful Friday afternoon has turned into. Hahaha.
So, here I sit...looking out the kitchen window at the nice warm sun, listening to the birds singing and think that although I really dislike Spring because of all the slush and mess of it all, I can't wait for this Winter season to be L-O-N-G behind us. I am tired of being cooped up & housebound because of the nasty cold weather & all the illness that seemed to be it's best friend this year. I did expect that we would get sick, naturally. I just didn't think it would hit us as hard and as many times as it did. We've put in our time, we SO deserve the next eight months or so to be "sick free". I'm keeping my fingers crossed and thinking positive. What else can one do, really?
Wishing you all warm, sunny, germ free Spring days ahead...
have a GREAT weekend!!!

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